Operating a Forklift (Heftruck) – Step-by-Step Instructions on How to Work Properly and Safely

Plac manewrowy w Bonapi Training Center, gdzie w trakcie szkolenia kursant uczy się, jak wygląda prawidłowa obsługa wózka widłowego przedniego – heftruck.

In today’s dynamic world, forklifts – heftrucks – are essential tools that are hard to imagine without in many sectors of the economy. However, to fully use the potential of a heftruck, it is crucial to understand and follow the proper operating guidelines. Improper use not only leads to equipment damage but, more importantly, to serious accidents that threaten the health and safety of workers. This is why we’ve prepared this guide to show you step by step how to properly operate a forklift. Learn with us about technical inspections, as well as loading and unloading procedures, so that your work can be safer and more efficient.

What will you learn from this article?

Forklift Operator – Who Can Become One?

At first, operating a forklift or any similar vehicle may seem like a simple task that doesn’t require special skills. After all, you just need to sit behind the wheel, press a few buttons, and you’re good to go. However, the reality is more complicated. To be a good forklift operator, various skills and personal qualities are essential, allowing you to perform the job competently, efficiently, and most importantly, safely.

The operator must therefore possess manual and coordination skills to maneuver the forklift precisely in tight spaces and among other workers. Knowledge of the principles of load balance and stability is also helpful, as it prevents the goods from falling or the forklift from tipping over. It is also important for the operator to be able to react quickly to unexpected situations and have a good eye for details, as well as concentration skills. This way, they will not overlook any potential hazards or damage to the equipment or the load.

Moreover, the operator often works as part of a team and must communicate effectively with other workers to ensure that loading and unloading run smoothly. Additionally, logistics operations take place at a fast pace, and delays can lead to costly downtime. Therefore, communication skills, the ability to handle stress, as well as teamwork and working under pressure, are desirable skills for this position.

There are also formal requirements that must be met to operate forklifts (heftrucks) in the Netherlands. If you want to become an operator, you must:

  • Be at least 18 years old.
  • Have no medical conditions that hinder your ability to drive a vehicle.
  • Complete the appropriate training and obtain forklift operator certification from a certified training institution, such as Bonapi Training Center.

More detailed and practical information that will help you start working as a forklift operator can be found in our article: https://bonapi.nl/training-courses-for-heftruck-reach-truck-and-ept-operator-in-the-netherlands/

Podczas szkolenia w Bonapi Training Center instruktor tłumaczy kursantowi obsługującemu wózek, jak wygląda prawidłowa obsługa wózka widłowego – huftruck.

Operating a Forklift (Heftruck) – Step-by-Step Instructions

Properly operating a forklift – heftruck is a key element in the daily work at warehouses, distribution centers, or manufacturing plants. The efficiency of logistical operations, warehouse space management, and the safety of coworkers depend on the work of the operators of these vehicles.
So, get to know the step-by-step forklift operation instructions, which every operator should follow.

  1. Start working with the forklift by familiarizing yourself with the user manual, which contains its specifications and all necessary information.
  2. Before you begin work, you must perform a vehicle safety inspection. This is a task that should be carried out daily! During the inspection, pay particular attention to the most important aspects, such as:

-visible external damage and missing equipment

-functionality of levers, lighting, and warning signals

-operation of the accelerator and brake pedals

-fluid levels (engine oil, coolant, etc.)

-battery charge level.

  1. Make sure to fasten your seatbelt.
  2. Insert the key into the ignition, start the vehicle, and check the display. If no warning lights appear, you can begin working safely.
  3. Lift the forks to the transport height – about 25 cm above the ground.
  4. Always pay attention to the proper placement of the load on the forks. Adjust the load’s weight to match the forklift’s maximum lifting capacity. Never exceed the permissible limits. The stability of the forklift largely depends on the operator, and the center of gravity of the transported goods should be positioned in the center of the pallet.
  5. Never transport passengers or use personnel platforms/baskets, as their use is prohibited.
  6. When driving on an inclined surface, position the mast towards the slope. Loading and unloading on inclines is strictly prohibited.
  7. Never leave the vehicle while the engine is running. If you need to leave the vehicle, turn it off.
  8. After finishing work, park the forklift in the designated area.
  9. Remove the key from the ignition and place it in the proper location.

Forklift Operation Manual – Loading Goods

Proper loading and unloading techniques for forklifts allow for the safe handling of heavy loads, which should be properly balanced and correctly positioned on the forks. Tilting the forks, raising or lowering pallets or goods too quickly can lead to dangerous situations.

Operating a forklift requires not only the operator’s skill and experience, but also concentration, attention to detail, and responsibility for oneself, others, as well as the entrusted equipment and load.

Upon reaching the loading area, the following steps should be taken.

  1. Stop the vehicle at a safe distance from the loading area and straighten the mast.
  2. Adjust the fork spacing to the width of the load. Lift it to the required height and slowly approach the target location.
  3. Carefully slide the forks under the load, aiming to position them as far as possible, which will ensure safe and stable lifting and transport.
  4. Lift the forks to a safe transport height, and before moving, tilt the mast back, resting the load on the counterweight.
  5. If you are able to complete all of the above steps correctly without any obstacles, it means you are ready to transport and place the load in the designated location.
Szkolenie w Bonapi Training Center, gdzie instruktor przekazuje kursantowi instrukcję obsługi wózka widłowego przedniego – heftruck.

Forklift Operation Manual – Unloading Goods

The transport of the load should also be carried out calmly and safely, without any abrupt maneuvers, unless they are necessary to avoid situations that could endanger health and safety or prevent damage to the goods. Operators should always remember to adjust their speed to the conditions in the warehouse.

Upon reaching the unloading area, you should proceed with the unloading tasks in the following order.

  1. Stop the vehicle at a safe distance from the unloading area and straighten the mast.
  2. Lift the load to the required height and slowly approach the destination.
  3. Proceed with unloading the goods.
  4. After completing the operation, return the forks to the transport height.

Loading and unloading are the primary tasks of forklift operators, but they are not the only ones. With the use of additional attachments, such as plows, clamps, tilting waste containers, or spikes, these vehicles become multifunctional tools that adapt to various situations and needs.

Forklift (Heftruck) Operation – Summary

Proper use of the heftruck allows for the quick and safe movement of heavy loads, minimizing the risk of damage to goods and accidents in the workplace. Therefore, knowledge of the forklift operation guidelines is essential for all operators who want to perform their duties thoroughly, productively, and in a way that does not pose a risk to themselves or others.

At Bonapi Training Center, we know that a well-trained forklift operator (and other vehicle operators) is key to the effectiveness and smoothness of logistics operations, and therefore, a crucial part of the success of many companies. In the Netherlands, which is a logistics center and a strategic transport crossroads of Europe, the demand for such specialists is constantly growing. That’s why we place great emphasis on our training programs for operators, which allow them to gain:

  • required certification;
  • practical experience under the guidance of instructors;
  • knowledge and skills that will make your daily work easier, safer, and more efficient.

So, contact us today and sign up for our forklift (heftruck) operator course or other operator training courses. Take care of your professional future, which will provide you with stable employment conditions and attractive wages, allowing you to live peacefully and fulfill your smaller and bigger dreams.

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